Community & Community Impact

We rang in the 2020 with a firm outing to Bottle & Bottega, Arlington Heights to highlight our creativity. Happy New Year!


We were recently recognized in an article in the Illinois CPA Society‘s Insight Magazine, featuring firms and their volunteer efforts. Please join us in celebrating the culture of volunteerism in the workplace! You can read the article here.



CPA Day of Service 2019

We were privileged to volunteer our time at two of our clients, Libenu and Bernie’s Book Bank. At Libenu, we put up the sukkah for the residents to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. At Bernie’s we sorted and bagged books for the organization to deliver to children in need all over the Chicago area. Both of these organizations are close to our hearts and it brings us joy to be able to help them achieve their missions.


Holiday Giving, 2018

We collected over 65 Toys for Tots this year – and exceeded our numbers from last year. We participated in Catholic Charities‘ Christmas Gift Program, shopping and wrapping for local families. We were also volunteers at the distribution site handing out Christmas gifts to families. It was a meaningful and heartfelt December.




MWA staff recently had the pleasure and honor of performing community service in various locations in conjunction with the Illinois CPA Society Day of Service 2018. We helped the Libenu Foundation at their group homes for disabled adults by planting bulbs to brighten their spring landscape and helping to build their sukkah for community gathering for the upcoming holiday. We were able to put our hands to use a second time at Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore with the clean-up, organization and assembly of products that they can sell to the community. The local Habitat for Humanity relies on ReStore sales to keep their operation running. We also were able to pack enough meals at Feed My Starving Children to feed two children for an entire year!

A side benefit to our time spent helping others? Having fun with co-workers doing something other than accounting!

Our team at MWA recently celebrated the return of beautiful weather and also finishing up with both our traditional tax busy season and our nonprofit audit/tax busy season! Nice family photo, isn’t it?

Our 2018 Stepping Up to Cancer, sponsored by Cancer Wellness Center, participants included two winners for their divisions! Congratulations, team MWA!

Congratulations to our very own, Marcy Steindler! She was selected as the 2018 Distinguished Alumnus of Niles West High School. We are so proud of you.

We were proud to support our client, Bernie’s Book Bank, at their “First Annual Book Lover’s Breakfast“. The attendees learned how Bernie’s mission of providing 12 quality books to schoolchildren, who may not otherwise enjoy the pleasure of books in their homes, affects not only these students, but their entire families. Congratulations on making such a big difference in the lives of so many. We were glad to have a few clients join MWA staff members Sarah Eddy, Sherrie Feinstein, Davida Finkle, Erin Lowenthal and Marcy Steindler. As an added bonus, we got to catch up with former MWA auditor, and current Bernie’s Director of Finance, Jane Adler.


Our Illinois CPA Society’s CPA Day of Service in 2017 was attended by many of our staff members. We packed enough food at Feed My Starving Children to feed 60 kids for an entire year. These boxes will go to Haiti. Thank you for all your help and support!

Mann Weitz & Associates - Community & Community Impact


With both our April 18th individual tax and our May 15th, 2017 nonprofit tax filing deadlines behind us, as well as our audit busy season, the MWA staff got together for heartfelt thank yous and a festive and delicious lunch buffet! Though we’ve all been working hard, the camaraderie and teamwork make it a little easier and a lot more enjoyable. Busy season Bingo helps, too! Since the weather was nice, we took the opportunity to take a “family” photo outside our office.


Mann Weitz & Associates - Community & Community Impact


Our commitment to helping our clients succeed extends well beyond our accounting and consulting capabilities. On selected weekdays and weekends, you can find members of the MW&A team volunteering together to help our nonprofit clients and local charitable groups to make the world and community a better place to live.

Team MWA after a day of helping Bernie’s Book Bank sort new and gently used books to be distributed to at risk infants, toddlers and school age children throughout Chicagoland.

Mann Weitz & Associates - Community & Community Impact


Every May, a group of dedicated MWA staffers and their family members walk to raise money for the Cancer Wellness Center in Northbrook, which provides a wealth of emotional and physical resources to support people affected by cancer.

Mann Weitz & Associates - Community & Community Impact

Each holiday season, we collect donations from our staff, which are then matched by MWA and used to buy gifts for our community members who could use a helping hand. We then deliver our gifts to local nonprofit organizations that have included Catholic Charities; A Safe Place For Help, which provides shelter to victims of domestic violence; and Glenkirk, which helps individuals with intellectual disabilities participate fully in all aspects of community life.

Mann Weitz & Associates - Community & Community Impact

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